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Are You Building Your LinkedIn Network The Right Way?

leadership linkedin tools networking professional development profile development sales strategy tips Apr 26, 2021
Are You Building Your Network Right?

To leverage LinkedIn to its fullest potential, you’ve got to intentionally grow your network on a weekly basis. 

It might sound too simple, but the easiest way to expand your professional network is to connect with new people. No brainer, right? New connections are an opportunity to make a first impression, appear in their feed on a regular basis and potentially secure that next big deal. 

Here is a step-by-step of exactly how to connect the right way to increase your chances of getting an accepted invitation.

Hint: Pay attention! There is a difference between connecting on LinkedIn desktop and LinkedIn mobile app.

Building your network on LinkedIn desktop:

1. Head to their profile and select “Connect”

Press Connect (1).png

2. Add a note to personalize the invitation

Add note.png

3. Write your brief personal note and send the invitation

Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 7.20.25 PM (1).png

Building your network on LinkedIn mobile: 

1. Head to their profile and select “More” (not Connect)


2. Now, “Personalize invite” to add your note

Personalize inv.png

3. Add your custom note and send!


I wish I could explain why LinkedIn added this little trick on the mobile app, but now you know! 

To Recap: 

  • Always go into the person’s profile to connect

  • Scan their entire profile to see what you can learn about the person

  • When sending an invitation from the mobile app, click on “More” and then “Personalize Invite” to add a note

Need a little help finding new connections and making impressions? Grab our 9 Weekly Habits of a LinkedIn MVP to get you started in the right direction.



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